10 Benefits of Air Quality Monitoring Networks for Local Governments​
A Guide

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Local governments play a crucial role in addressing the air quality crisis and ensuring the health and well-being of their communities. With the right tools and resources, they can effectively monitor air quality and develop effective strategies to address the challenges.

Persium’s mission is to equip local governments with the technology and expertise to tackle air pollution. By implementing a comprehensive air quality monitoring network, they reap ten benefits:

1. Improved Public Health

By monitoring air quality, local councils can identify areas with high levels of pollutants and take steps to reduce exposure and improve public health.

2. Better Policy and Decision-making

If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. The real-time monitoring of air quality empowers local governments to make well-informed decisions that can lead to long-term solutions.

3. Increased Transparency & Trust

By making air quality information readily available, transparency is improved, and community trust is reinforced.

4. Compliance with Regulations

Ensuring regulatory compliance is made more accessible with air quality monitoring as it helps local governments stay up-to-date with federal, state, and local regulations related to air quality.

5. Early Warning System

It can act as an early warning system, providing quick alerts of potential air quality problems and enabling local governments to respond promptly and minimise the impact on their constituents.

6. Identification of Sources of Pollution

Local governments can identify sources of pollution, such as industrial facilities or transportation sources, and take necessary steps to reduce emissions.

7. Long-term Cost Savings

By detecting air quality problems early, they can address the issue before it becomes a national emergency which is expensive to resolve.

8. Improved Economic Competitiveness

Better air quality can drive economic growth by attracting new businesses and residents to the area, thereby boosting the local economy.

9. Increased Public Engagement

It can promote public engagement and education on air quality issues, encouraging the public to take action to improve air quality.

10. Better Allocation of Resources

Access to accurate and real-time air quality data allows local governments to prioritise and allocate resources effectively, addressing their communities’ most critical air quality issues.

How Persium empowers local governments in tackling air quality.

Persium Pod Application

Persium Pods

Persium equips local governments with advanced air quality sensing technology through its innovative sensors, the Persium Pods. Designed to function in various environments, these sensors boast advanced sensing capabilities for up to 12 major pollutants, including the ability to detect particulate shape and measure wind speed, enabling accurate computational fluid dynamics analysis.

Persium Dashboard

Persium offers a highly analytical air quality visualisation map through its Dashboard. This tool assists policymakers in making informed decisions by providing access to historical data sets, advanced statistical analysis tools, comparison features, and AI-driven prediction forecasts. 

Persium MapView®

To further enhance community engagement and empowerment, Persium also offers MapView®. It’s a free app that informs the public about air quality conditions and empowers them with the knowledge and guidance needed to take proactive measures to protect their health.

In this way, Persium is committed to providing a comprehensive solution that monitors air quality and supports community members in their efforts to live healthier and more sustainable lives.

Persium, making a difference to the quality of air the world breathes.

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