Research and Consultants

Hardware Benefits for AQ Monitoring

  • Next generation Persium Pods. Unmatched versatility through solar powered capabilities. 


  • Can sense up to 12 different polluting gases. Pods are customisable for whatever monitoring need or requirement. 


  • Supports wind speed in 3D and other key weather parameters. 


  • The only sensor with particulate shape detection for more accurate and detailed readings.


  • Securely uploads data to Persium cloud via 3G/4G LTE, GSM protocol, WiFi or LoRa.


Software Tools for AQ Analysis & Modelling

  • Persium Dashboard provides access to historic data sets, sophisticated statistics & graphing tools, as well as comparison features. 


  • Can create historic heat map and isobar videos to compare pollution movements over given time periods. 


  • Harness wind data to analyse the direction of air plumes. Can be used for CFD and digital twinning analysis. 


  • Can easily integrate your current network of air quality sensors through an API into the Persium Dashboard to view their data. No need to have a Persium Pod network for its use. 

Get more ideas on how Persium can equip air quality research and consultants.