Transport & Traffic Management

For Transport Hubs

  • Air quality data is a core facet of ITSs to help improve the flow of traffic, reduce travel times, optimize road capacities, and curb air pollution levels within towns and cities.


  • Advocates for the transition to cleaner transport options. 


  • Informs best practices for future urban and establishment design. 


  • Informs city & transport planners where pollutant hotspots occur and help to enforce better mitigation policies. 


  • Empowers citizens with the knowledge of their hyper-local air quality at busy traffic junctions & motorways. 


For Traffic Management

  • Integrating Persium Pod data into ITSs to change traffic light regulations to reduce congestion through traffic diversion or create short-term clean air zones.


  • Increased understanding of how wind and weather parameters affect the dispersion of pollutants across inner-city areas.


  • Helps with generating measurable KPIs for traffic management departments. 


  • Greatly increases citizen awareness by providing an alert system of residents nearby through the free MapView® application.

Get more ideas on how Persium can help transport and traffic management.